
The Butterfly Effect from Kansas City, Mo., knows how to tackle adversity head-on. This year has brought many challenges for the team, but they triumphed and got through it together. Cynthia McCoy, Co-Captain of The Butterfly Effect, was diagnosed with breast cancer a few months before their city tournament.

“As she fought through surgery, chemo, and emotions, we as a team decided to fight for her,” Team Captain Kristie Shelton said. “We decided we would do whatever it took to bring her to Vegas. We designed a new logo, centering around a breast cancer ribbon, new team name, centering on chaos theory, and how one small change could make all the difference in the world.”

While going through this, another team member was diagnosed with COPD and Kristie’s husband was deployed to Afghanistan. Through all of these struggles, these ladies stuck together and were there for each other.

When they made it to the city tournament, they were definitely the underdogs, facing more experienced teams, and knowing that the road to Vegas took them through the two teams that had competed in Vegas the previous two years.

“We went down 2-0 in every match we played in city, except one,” Kristie said. “And we hung together and pulled it out each time. In the final sudden death match, my 3 faced a 4, and after many defensive shots, she made the shot of a lifetime on the 8-ball, with the cue ball coming so close to scratching, I had to hold my breath. “

Five members of the team have been playing together for 3 years, while the three missing links were added halfway through the session. Only one member of the team has been to Vegas before; the rest are fairly new to the League.

“My only expectation for the tournament is for us to play our game, and enjoy ourselves,” Kristie said. “Getting to Vegas, sharing this experience together before the change in format was our goal, everything else is just a bonus. These ladies are the most amazing women I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, and the support they give one another is truly inspiring. While we may not come out on top in the National Tournament, I am proud to share this experience with such a wonderful team.”

Team members include: Kristie Shelton, Cindy McCoy, Lisa Logeais, Stacey Fromdahl, Paula Simmons, Sally VanHorn, Jessica Hawthorne and Cherry Sanders.

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