On Dec. 2-5, 2021 Memphis APA League Operators Bobby & Nika Harvison held their 4th annual Shoot for a Cure. The event was held at Fitz Casino in Tunica, MS who gave them the space for free and generously paid for the pool tables and lights as well!

Lots of items were donated from all over the Memphis APA area that they sold raffle tickets for. Jacoby did cue repair during the tournament and donated 20% of their cue raffle sales back to the charity.

They ran an 8-Ball Doubles tournament with a total payout of $3,840 and an 8-Ball Open team tournament with a total payout of $14,000. Players from Memphis APA, NEMS APA, Mid America APA, SC-ARK APA, SC Midlands APA and Heartland APA all competed in the event.

After all was said and done, they raised $21,245 for St. Jude!!

“I cannot wait to do it all again next year,” Nika said. “APA players are the best and it’s awesome to see them all come together to support a great cause.”

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