Team Captain of the Month: Garnet Nekuda

When Northern Nevada APA League Operator, Heather Allison, is trying to find a team to put a new player on, Garnet Nekuda immediately comes to mind. Garnet is charismatic and makes everyone feel welcome! She’s been an APA member since 2013, and in 2017 she took the leap to become a Team Captain. She currently plays on three teams and is Team Captain on two of them.

“To know Garnet is to love Garnet,” Heather said. “She is super charismatic and her positive attitude is contagious. She truly brings out the best in everyone and exemplifies the fun spirit and community environment we try to promote.”

Recently, the League was having trouble holding together a small division in one of the outlying communities. Garnet played on a team in that division with some of her family members. When she realized they needed teams and players, she offered to leave her team to save a team that was about to fold due to not having enough committed members.

“She led the way in recruiting players for that particular team, in addition to recruiting players for other teams in that division,” Heather said. “She showed major initiative by starting Facebook posts and initiating conversations to get community members involved. Her efforts not only resulted in saving the first team, but also in recruiting numerous new members for other teams!”

What’s most impressive are the health issues she’s tackled – and continues to tackle – while playing the sport she loves. When she first started in the League she was in a lot of pain and was soaked in sweat by the end of a match; but she kept on. Now, she’s able to get out and socialize, her balance is better and her cardiologist says her congestive heart problems have gone into remission. She no longer needs her pain meds; pool is a light form of exercise she can handle.

“To top it all off she’s just an all-round great Captain!” Heather said. “She’s just so much fun and I’m so proud to have her in the Northern Nevada APA.”

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