
December is the season for giving and members of the Bakersfield APA did just that on Dec. 12! They donated over 100 toys to the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation and over 500 cans of food to the Community Action Partnership of Kern County.  Naturally, they had fun playing pool in the process.  2009 marked the fourth year that League Operator Michelle Henry ran a tournament benefiting Toys for Tots and a local food bank—it’s always a huge success!

Henry credits the format for much of the success.  “This is a doubles tournament incorporating our junior program.  Teams must consist of one adult (18 or over) and one child (17 and under).   The format is modified single elimination, which guarantees each team the chance to play at least twice, plus local companies donate items to give out to the players who participate.  This year we had 24 teams competing,” Henry said.

One new, unwrapped toy with a $10 minimum value and one can of food is the entry fee for the tournament.  The tournament was held at the Corner Pocket in Bakersfield, Calif.

For more information about the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation please visit toysfortots.org, and for more about the Community Action Partnership of Kern County visit capk.org/.

For more information about the Bakersfield APA visit bakersfield.apaleagues.com.

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