
To our APA/CPA/JPA family across the globe-

As you know, we are all dealing with this unprecedented crisis that has not only interrupted League play, but is impacting the health and lives of people everywhere. 

We know many of you have questions about when League play will resume, how the suspension of League may affect standings, and other league related questions. Unfortunately, we may not have those answers until we have a better idea of how long it will take for this crisis to pass.  Rest assured, these questions will be answered as soon as possible because we know what APA Pool League means to you.

To protect the health and safety of our staff at APA Headquarters, our office is closed, but we are operating remotely just as many businesses have been forced to do.  We’ve been fielding a high volume of calls and inquiries from our members, and we are working to establish better processes for us to be able to respond to your questions and concerns more quickly.  Please be patient with us while we get set up to provide the best customer service we can during this time.

For now, we ask that you direct your questions to your Local League Operator.  We are communicating directly with them and they will be able to share details and funnel your questions to us in an orderly fashion.  With over 250,000 players, we lean on our trusted League Operators to help deliver information to you and handle most issues effectively. 

With our office being shut down, this means we will be pausing all shipments of membership kits and The American Poolplayer magazine.  We apologize for this inconvenience, but I hope you can understand it’s necessary.

Rest assured, this crisis will pass, and when it does, we will be ready to bring our APA family back together to enjoy the sport we all love. For now, and while most of the world waits this thing out at home, our team is working on ways to help our members continue to enjoy this great sport and ways to continue to engage each other.  An important part of being an APA member is the coming together of people, and although we can’t do that physically, we can utilize technology to continue to bring people together.

We all have heard the term “social distancing.” Social distancing can also mean social isolation for some.  Please remember, being a good teammate means checking in on your teammates and fellow league members. Many of our APA Members value APA because it brings people together, and builds community. Where possible, I encourage you to step up and be leaders in your own communities.  Check-in with your APA family often and, of course, take care of yourself.

Just because we can’t get together, that doesn’t mean we aren’t here for you, and it doesn’t mean you can’t be there for each other. We are grateful for our family of poolplayers all over the world and we pray for your safety and peace of mind during all of this. #APAStrong #InItTogether


Greg Fletcher – President

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