
Yesterday, May 1, WFTV Orlando released a story about the pending closure of the Wyndham Orlando Resort which hosted the 2023 U.S. Amateur Championship.  We’ve since confirmed this news with the hotel’s management directly.

Here is a link to the WFTV Orlando article: https://www.wftv.com/news/local/i-drive-hotel-close/7WPOK2UNHBBERJQUHUSX5GZWKI/

This news comes as a major surprise to APA, as we were actively planning for our 2024 U.S. Amateur Championship in Orlando. APA is now exploring all our options for this year’s U.S. Amateur Championship.

We appreciate your support and understanding about this unexpected development. We will provide an update as soon as we have more information, but we’re confident we’ll find a venue worthy of hosting this year’s U.S. Amateur Championship.

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