
APA Love Stories

We hear stories all the time about people meeting and falling in love through APA Leagues. On Facebook, we asked you all to submit your APA love stories. We received lots of great stories and pictures and have compiled just a few of them! Have Fun. Meet People. Play Pool.


Tricia & TJ

My now ex-boyfriend had me join his 9-Ball team back in spring 2011. After we broke up I continued playing (on his team) as we still got along and I enjoyed playing. Summer Session came around and TJ Kelly joined. He was in a relationship and I had met someone new. One night we started talking and became friends. I started playing on a Monday night team, and he joined as we were in need of a high handicap. Then, he began giving me pool lessons every Wednesday. Well, a couple of months go by and my boyfriend breaks up with me (no big loss, I was going to do it the next week). That was a Monday. Tuesday he broke up with his girlfriend. Wednesday we had our standing pool lesson. At the end I said, hey, since we are both single, I want a hug! Well, he kissed me. A year and a half later we were engaged, and the following year we were married! Been married 4 years in January! Still play APA, and for the record, in a true APA race, I can beat him!

Alisha & Charles

I started playing APA in Florida about 10 years ago. Then, I moved to Arizona and continued to play. In 2013 I started working tournament staff for the League Operators, Doug & Gina Nowlin. That’s where I met Charles Doyle. In 2014 my 9-Ball team went to Vegas, the last year at the Rivera. Charles was a ref that year. Within a few weeks of that we were dating. In 2016 we got engaged in front of about 40 poolplayers at our friend’s birthday party. We just got married in September. Our DJ, officiant, caterer, bridal party, and cake maker were all poolplayers. And, yes, we even had a pool table cake!

Reecie & Joseph

A little over 7 years ago Gulf Coast APA was starting up a scotch doubles league. An acquaintance suggested I play with a man I barely knew, but he was a skill level 6 and I was a 3. He agreed to play. We have been together ever since. Three and a half years ago we got married, in Vegas, while we were there for our first national doubles tournament. We were able to play in two scotch doubles championships before our skill levels were raised. He is now a skill level 7, and, with his instruction, I’ve made it to skill level 5. We can’t play scotch doubles together anymore but we run several teams together and have been back to Vegas for two 8-Ball World Championships, a 9-Ball World Championship, Masters Championship (him) and Ladies Championship for me.

Katrina & William

I met this wonderful gentle giant at Sunday APA League at Sharkeys in High Point, N.C., in 2011. I had heard from friends and family that he had been asking about me. I just went through a separation and was not trying to hear all of that. I must say that of months of catching him staring at me and the never-ending questions and conversations about I should give him a try and that he was a great guy, finally paid off. He told me that just about when he was going to give up, I agreed to go out on a date with him. Needless to say, we’ve been inseparable since then. It’s been since 2011 and in June 2013, I married my best friend! To end my APA love story, the day we got back from our honeymoon, we had League and because we played on two different teams, we had to play against each other as husband and wife! What a way to start our marriage but I loved every bit of it! Just to think if I would’ve never stepped foot in Sharkeys to play League I would’ve missed out one of the best things in my life.

Lesha & Jason

My husband (Jason Curtis) and I met at the Great Lakes Invitational tournament in November of 2012.

Jason tells people I was the constellation prize because his Canadian team was playing in a tournament back in March of 2012 where the winners went to Vegas and the Runners-Up went to the Great Lakes Invitational in Michigan. He lost his match, which, in turn, brought their CPA team to our APA tournament in November, which is where we met.

Our team played their team Friday night and they won. Saturday we ended up playing next to each other. Having liquid courage, Jason came over and talked with my Team Captain, John Griffith, to get the scoop on me. John told him I was single and available. Jason then proceeded to talk and I began teasing him about his pronunciations of “tournament” and “out.” After chatting awhile, I gave him my number and told him to text or call when they were done playing for the night so we could meet up. We got knocked out early and they played late. By the time he tried getting ahold of me, I was in for the night, had psyched myself out about meeting a stranger by myself, and ignored his call. The next morning, bless his heart that he didn’t give up, texted me and asked if I was up for a “stroll” around Grand Rapids. “Stroll” I thought? Lol Who says “stroll” and how cute was that?! I took him up on his offer. We got breakfast, got a little lost, and froze together as we walked around the city blocks. Afterwards, we said our goodbyes and texted non-stop over the next few weeks. Since he was living in Guelph, Canada and I was living in Flint, Mich., we Facetimed a lot. He made his first trip to see me for Thanksgiving weekend and what a trip it was. He came down Wednesday night, met my family Thursday at Thanksgiving dinner at my parents, then left on Sunday to go back to Canada. He came to live with me in January of 2014 and joined the APA team I played on. We were married in February of 2014 by my dad, at my sister’s house, and he got his green card in June of 2014. Everyone loves him and we are an absolute match. He is the best decision I have ever made and we are truly soulmates. Meant to meet and be!

View the rest of the love stories in the post below and let us know about yours! Find us at facebook.com/poolplayers.

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