
APA of Delco PA and Southernmost Jersey hosts several charity events throughout the year.

In September, League Operators Michael & Diana Boyle challenged their Ladies Division to donate back to school supplies. The ladies ended up gathering so many supplies that they were able to make a shopping bag full of donations to Harris Elementary School, Aldan Elementary, and St. Eugene School in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

“We want to see our players involved in playing, but also in the communities we play in,” Diana said. “We love to give back and everything helps no matter how small. Our Ladies Division loves that we have something nearly every month.”

In November, the Boyle’s challenged the Cumberland, Delco, and Salem counties to a “Battle of the Cans”. The team who donated the most cans won a pizza party. They partnered with Woodlyn Boy Scout Troop #43 to add to their annual “Scouting for Food” collection. They received so many donations that they lost count after 1,000 cans! The team “I Ain’t Worried” who plays out of the Eddystone VFW earned top honors and the pizza party.

“We were floored by the response that we received! Our son is a former Boy Scout and Eagle Scout, so we partnered with his former troop for the Scouting for Food,” Diana said. “The scoutmaster commented that the food donation we dropped off was more than the scouts collected the year before. That’s a HUGE win, not only for the League, but for the scouts and families who would benefit from the items.”

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