
The APA of San Antonio is once again planning to participate in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light the Night Walk.  Although the walk isn’t until October, APA members got a head start on fundraising by hosting a bake sale during the San Antonio Local Team Championships (LTC), which took place over two weekends.  The 8-Ball LTC took place June 2-3 and the 9-Ball LTC took place June 9-10.  During the two events $1,097 was raised, setting a nice pace towards the goal of $5,000.

Several tournaments are planned to continue the fundraising efforts, including an adult/child Scotch Doubles tournament scheduled for July.

For more information about the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society visit leukemia-lymphoma.org, and for more information on APA of San Antonio visit sanantonio.apaleagues.com.

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