


1. PRACTICE TIME: Practice is not allowed on any Tournament table, except during specified periods, and only with the permission of the Tournament Director. You are encouraged to practice on tables designated for that purpose, and are asked to share the practice tables with any other contestants who wish to use them.  If there is a wait for the practice tables, we ask that you limit your practice time to between 10 and 15 minutes.  Designated practice tables are reserved for those contestants who have not yet been eliminated from the Tournament.  Practice is not allowed on Tournament tables during play, even when Tournament tables are not in use.

2. NO GAMBLING: Gambling on pool is not permitted at any APA function, including this Tournament. Therefore, you are prohibited from gambling on pool at the Tournament site, even after the Tournament has ended or you have been eliminated from the Tournament.  Any participant that gambles will face disqualification from the Tournament and/or forfeiture of all awards and prize money.

3. FORFEIT TIME: Forfeits will be declared 15 minutes after a match has been called. If a player has registered for the Tournament, a Tournament Official will attempt to locate the player before a forfeit is declared.  However, it is the player’s responsibility to be present for their matches when they are called.  The Tournament Director determines when a match is officially forfeited.

4. COACHING: Coaching is not permitted. Violations of this rule could result in a foul being called.  You are advised not to confer about your match with anyone other than your opponent, a Referee, or the Tournament Director as doing so could be perceived as coaching.

5. OBLIGATION TO PRESENT AND CHECK IDENTIFICATION OF ALL PLAYERS: All participants must have a current valid photo ID in the form of a state-issued driver’s license or non-driver identification card, a military ID, or a passport (collectively a “Photo ID”). Players must have their Photo ID with them at all times during the Tournament and should present their Photo ID to their opponent without having to be asked. It is the responsibility of every player to verify that all opposing players have current valid Photo IDs that positively identify them as being the person shown on the scoresheet.  Do not assume a player is who they say they are.  If an opposing player has not voluntarily presented their Photo ID to you for verification, it is your responsibility to request that the opposing player present their Photo ID and to be satisfied as to the opposing player’s identity prior to the lag.  If you are not satisfied with the identity of an opposing player, you must immediately call over a Tournament Official to examine the identity of the questioned player.  If the Tournament Official cannot readily verify the player’s identity from the Photo ID, they may consult the Tournament Director.  The determination of the Tournament Director regarding the identity of the player, is made in the Tournament Director’s sole discretion and judgment, and is final. If you fail to verify the identity of an opponent and the opposing player turns out to be an imposter or to not have a valid Photo ID, you may be bound by the results of the match and you may not be granted any relief or remedy, in the Tournament Director’s sole judgment and discretion.  If a player is put up to play and does not have their Photo ID, the match will be forfeited to the opponent without right of protest or appeal; regardless of the reason the player does not have a Photo ID.  It is no excuse that a player’s Photo ID was lost, left somewhere, or that the player needs to go get it.  An imposter, a player who cannot verify their identity, or a player who enters or participates in the Tournament under fraudulent circumstances, is subject to immediate disqualification from the Tournament and is subject to an indefinite suspension from further participation in the APA, if in APA’s sole judgment and discretion such a suspension is warranted.

6. SCOREKEEPING: Scoresheets, with innings recorded and Defensive Shots marked, must be kept by either both players or by an Official Scorekeeper. If it is determined a player is not marking Defensive Shots, then the APA Handicap Review Committee may consider that grounds to raise that player’s skill level.  Scoresheets must be signed and turned in to the Control Table to receive credit for match wins.  Refusal to sign a scoresheet does not affect any match protest.  It is the responsibility of the winning player to make sure the Control Table receives proper scoresheets.

8-BALL: Mark all Early 8s (E8), 8-ball Scratch (8S), 8 Wrong Pocket (8WP), 8-on-the-Break (8OB), and Break-and-Runs (BR) on your scoresheets.  Patches for 8-on-the-Break and Break-and-Runs are awarded.  Patches must be claimed by the player at the Control Table when the scoresheets are turned in for processing.

9-BALL: Mark all balls pocketed, dead balls, 9-on-the-Snaps (9OS) and Break-and-Runs (BR).  Patches for 9-on-the-Snaps and Break-and-Runs are awarded.  Patches must be claimed by the player at the Control Table when the scoresheets are turned in for processing.

NOTE:  Any player caught fraudulently keeping score by adding innings, altering scoresheets in any way, or marking scoresheets in a way that does not reflect the play that occurred on the table is subject to disqualification.

7. DRESS CODE: Proper attire must be worn at all times in and around the Tournament site. The Tournament Director shall determine whether your attire is proper, and is responsible for requiring players whose attire is not proper to change.  If the Tournament Director requires you to change your attire, compliance with the Tournament Director’s direction is not a just cause for delaying the progress of a match.  The dress code will be enforced.

8. NO EARPHONES: You are not permitted to wear earphones of any type during Tournament play. This includes earbuds, headphones, headsets, Bluetooth devices, etc.  Hearing aids and non-electronic earplugs are allowed.

9. CELL PHONE AND SMARTWATCH USE: Cell phone and smartwatch use is prohibited while a player is taking their turn at the table.

10. NO SMOKING: Smoking is not allowed at the pool table.

11. GAME RULES: APA game rules apply. The game rules are covered in the Official Team Manual and The Official APA/CPA 8-Ball & 9-Ball Game Rules Booklet. You should ensure that you are familiar with these rules.  Any and all Local Bylaws applicable to your Local League, or interpretation(s) of the APA game rules made by your Local League Management, which are not in full accord with the Tournament Rules established by the APA do not apply at this event.  It is your responsibility to know what a Tournament Rule is and what is a Local Bylaw.  In addition, you are obligated to review the Singles Regional Certification Statement (the “Certification Statement”) prior to registering for the Tournament.

12. MINIMUM SKILL LEVELS: Ladies may participate at their assigned skill level, even if that assigned skill level is lower than a skill level 3. All other players must participate at a skill level 3 or higher. To be eligible to participate at a skill level lower than a skill level 3, the player’s State/Province issued picture ID, Military ID or passport photo ID must identify her as female.

13. CUE BALL FOULS: Do not touch the cue ball while it is still rolling. Doing so may result in a foul.

14. CLOSE HITS: If a shot looks like it may result in a “bad hit,” stop the game and get a Tournament Official to observe the shot and make the call. Either player may stop the game to ask for a call. The decision of the Tournament Official is final.  If a shot is close and a Tournament Official is not called, the ruling will most likely be in the shooter’s favor.

15. MARKING THE POCKET (8-BALL ONLY): A coaster, pocket marker, or any other reasonable marker must be placed next to the pocket the 8-ball is intended to enter. It is recommended that you do not use chalk as a pocket marker, as it can create confusion, but the use of chalk as a pocket marker is not prohibited. If a player pockets the 8-ball without marking the intended pocket, and the opponent calls loss of game, it will result in a loss of game.  Both players may use the same marker.  Only one marker should be on the table at any time.  However, even if more than one marker is on the table, as long as you clearly mark the pocket where you intend to pocket the 8-ball you will be deemed to have properly marked the pocket.  If the marker is already at the intended pocket from a previous attempt or game, it is not necessary for the shooter to touch it, pick it up, or reposition it.  Anyone may remind a player to place the marker and it will not be considered coaching or a foul.

NOTE:  Making contact with a marker is not a foul.  If a pocket marker is placed on the rail and accidentally interferes with the shot (either in a positive or negative way), the shot stands.

16. EXCESSIVE SKILL LEVEL MOVEMENT: If Higher Level Tournament play is to be truly meaningful and rewarding, then those who play below their true ability must be penalized. Any evidence of a player playing at a skill level below their true ability should be reported immediately to a Tournament Official at the Control Table. You must certify that your skill level, as shown on the scoresheet of each match you play, is your Highest Skill Level as that term is defined in the Certification Statement.  For more information on the consequences of not playing at your Highest Skill Level, see the Certification Statement.

17. PROTESTS: All protests must be made to the Tournament Director in a sportsmanlike manner. There is a $50.00 filing fee for any protest, which is refundable if the player filing wins the protest.  Any player disrupting the tournament, causing a scene, or causing other problems at or around the Tournament site will lose the right to protest.  The Tournament Director will immediately resolve all issues.  The APA is the highest authority.  Any rulings made by the APA are final.

18. RULES OF CONDUCT: APA has established, and will strictly enforce, the following Rules of Conduct which are applicable at all APA Championship Tournaments and all other Higher Level Tournaments:

a. No loud, abusive or profane language will be tolerated. You became an APA member to have a good time and to enjoy some friendly competition. If you experience a problem, one of the Tournament Officials will address it. Simply bring the matter to their attention. Remember that nearly every ruling will be seen as favoring one side or the other. Each team and player are required to accept official rulings without causing a scene.

b. Unsportsmanlike conduct directed toward an opposing player, team or Tournament Official will not be tolerated.

c. Anyone involved in an incident that involves either physical abuse, violence, or the throwing of an item will be immediately disqualified, and immediately banned from the Tournament site.

d. Anyone caught hitting a cue against a table, wall, floor, etc., or recklessly swinging a cue will be immediately disqualified and immediately banned from the Tournament site.

e. Abusive behavior directed to the Tournament Director or any of their designees, including Tournament Officials, will not be tolerated and will be grounds for penalization, disqualification and/or a ban from the tournament site.

f. Excessive slow play will not be tolerated. If your excessive slow play becomes a problem, and remains a problem after you are warned about it, you may be penalized.

The penalties for violating any of the Rules of Conduct detailed above are as follows:

Except for incidents of slow play, a warning may or may not be given, and the Tournament Director can issue any of the four penalties below, regardless of whether any penalty has been previously issued, depending upon the severity of the situation.

Penalty Level 1: Your opponent will be given ball‐in‐hand. If your opponent is still shooting, or already has ball‐in‐hand, then that player will be allowed to shoot until missing, and then be given ball‐in‐hand again.

Penalty Level 2:  Your opponent will be granted the game in 8-Ball.  In 9‐Ball, your opponent will be granted the game, along with points for all balls remaining on the table.

Penalty Level 3: Your opponents will be granted the match.

Penalty Level 4: You will be ejected and/or disqualified.


NOTE: If the violation or disturbance that caused a prior penalty to be levied does not cease, the Tournament Director or their designated assistant has the right to go from one penalty level to the next penalty level immediately.

19. WARNINGS: If a warning is given in one match, that warning will follow you throughout the remainder of the Tournament. For example, if you are warned for sharking your opponent, and in a subsequent match you are warned for sharking that opponent, the result will be a penalty for the opponent you are then playing.  All warnings will be noted by a Tournament Official on the scoresheets.

20. SPORTSMANSHIP: The primary objective of APA has always been to provide players of all abilities with the opportunity to enjoy friendly competition. It is expected that every player hopes to do well, and that all players will do their best to win. However, each player is also expected to accept defeat in a sportsmanlike manner.

Two common examples of bad sportsmanship are: conceding an unfinished game and breaking down a cue during play.  Both forms of conduct are frowned upon by professionals, and have no place in amateur play.  All players are asked to allow opponents to finish the game before racking the balls or breaking down cues.  No penalty will be assessed unless, in the determination of the Tournament Director, such sportsmanship violations by a player are excessive.

Fouls can also cause sportsmanship issues to arise.  A foul is a foul and should be observed as such regardless of whether the player believes that they will get caught failing to disclose a foul.  Professional players will call a foul on themselves; likewise, good sportsmanship dictates that amateur players acknowledge when they commit a foul.  However, it is technically a player’s responsibility to protect the outcome of their match.  Therefore, all players are advised to pay attention to their games and be aware of when their opponent commits a foul.

21. EQUIPMENT REGULATIONS: Laser devices, mechanical cues and training/practice aids may not be used in Tournament play. Some specialty cues may be allowed on a limited basis. Special equipment, such as bridges and cue extenders, are legal. Players are expected to use equipment consistent with its intended purpose.  In addition, players must use the rack, cue ball and object balls provided at each table.  Additional equipment guidelines applicable during APA Tournament play are set forth below:

Jump Cues/Shafts/Tips: Are not allowed.

Break Cues/Shafts/Tips: Sometimes combined with jump cues to form a jump-break cue, these cues/shafts/tips are allowed in Tournament play for breaking only.

Regular Shooting Cues/Shafts/Tips: These cues/shafts/tips may be used to perform jump shots, massé shots and break shots in all APA League and Tournament play. You may not “break down” your Regular Shooting Cue to perform a jump shot.

NOTE 1:  Using a regular shooting cue to break does not qualify it as a “break cue”.

NOTE 2:  Wheelchair players and players who are limited in their height are allowed to use a junior cue or “shortie” as a regular shooting cue.

NOTE 3:  You may only switch cues/shafts/tips between racks, immediately following your break shot, or in instances of cue/shaft/tip failure that prevent the cue/shaft/tip from performing. 

Any equipment bearing any message or image that is sexually explicit or political in nature, or may be offensive due to the use of profanity or the promotion of violence, alcoholism or substance abuse, shall be prohibited from use in this Tournament.  The Tournament Director shall have the right to inspect a player’s cue(s) at any time during the Tournament without prior notice to the player, and if the cue(s) are found to be in violation of this rule, the player shall immediately cease using the objectionable cue during Tournament play, or face immediate disqualification and forfeiture of all prize money earned and/or entry fee paid.

22. DISQUALIFICATION: The Tournament Director has the authority to disqualify any player from this Tournament and may exercise that authority in their sole judgment and discretion at any time – prior to, during, or after the Tournament. The following may constitute grounds for disqualification:

a. excessive skill level movement,

b. irregularities or falsification of any Tournament scoresheet or documents relating to your eligibility or qualification for this Tournament,

c. fraudulent actions or omissions of whatever nature,

d. sportsmanship violations or conduct deemed to discredit or affect the integrity of the Tournament, APA or the sport; or

e. any other behavior deemed deserving of disqualification by the Tournament Director.

Any disqualified player will be deemed to have forfeited all titles, awards, and prize money they would have otherwise been entitled to. Each disqualified player is subject to a minimum two-year suspension of their APA membership.


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