
Dupage APA League Operators Chad & Trisha Birch hosted a player appreciation party on Dec. 10, 2022 to benefit the Dupage County Toys for Tots. Over 200 toys and $600 was raised!

“Our DuPage APA Player Appreciation Scotch Triples Tournament included 47 teams this year and several more players attended the event to benefit Toys for Tots,” Trisha said.

They also partnered with local APA player, Alex Shapshevich, who held a tournament on Dec. 3, 2022 to support the charity. This blind draw Scotch Doubles tournament brought out 86 players. They raised over 200 toys and $1,800 in cash donations!

“We’d like to thank Alex Shapshevich, our DuPage APA Players, and Host Location Q Pub & Grill for raising over 400 toys and $2400 in cash donations for kids in need over two amazing weekends,” Trisha said.

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