
Nature Coast APA member Lori Hartt knows firsthand what the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation means to someone with the disease—her granddaughter, Lexi, has it.  Every May Lori puts a team of walkers together for the Great Strides Charity Walk in Tampa.  For the past two years, Nature Coast APA League Operators Doug and Denise Hurst have helped raise money for “Team Lexi”, by hosting a charity event.

This year’s event featured a double elimination 8-Ball tournament, Speed Shot competition, Beat the League Operator challenge matches and multiple raffles.  The event took place May 29 at BB Magee’s In Hudson, Fla., and raised $430 for the team.

Prizes were donated by Nature Coast APA members and included gift cards from Capone’s, Publix, Outback Steakhouse, Applebee’s & Chili’s, allowing all money collected to go directly to the charity.

For more information on Florida’s Nature Coast APA visit naturecoast.apaleagues.com; and for more information on the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and its Great Strides Charity Walk visit cff.org.

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