
In February 2022, Jim Wetherill turned 90 years old. In true poolplayer fashion, he celebrated this milestone with his pool team on APA League night! Jim has been an APA member since 2005, playing at least one session every year since he joined 17 years ago! Jim still loves playing pool weekly with his 8-Ball team, Standing on One Leg in the APA of Central Ohio.

With over 530 matches played and a win percentage of over 67%, Jim has climbed his way to a skill level 6 in 8-Ball. Jim started playing pool at the young age of 14 when his uncle owned a pool hall.

“What motivates me to keep playing is my love for the sport,” Jim said. “I love watching and being with people who love it too. I also love giving time-outs, whether they want them or not!”

Jim’s ultimate goal is to make it to Vegas for one of the APA Championships.

We’re all rooting you on, Jim, and hope to see you there soon!

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