
How long were you a member of the APA before you decided to become a League Operator?

I’ve been a member of the APA for 10 years and have always enjoyed the League and everything it has to offer. I’ve played on teams in both 8-Ball and 9-Ball, Singles, Doubles and Jack & Jill. Over the years I’ve met many great people and have made lifelong friends.

What made you decide to look into becoming a League Operator?

I was a stay-at-home mom for five years and was getting ready to go back to work when this opportunity presented itself. I heard the League Operator was looking to sell the franchise and was instantly interested. Pool has been a part of my life for many years, even prior to joining the APA back in 2003. I decided to become a League Operator for the opportunity to work in an environment I enjoy and serve the local poolplaying community that I’ve been a part of for so long.

Did you have to relocate?

I did not have to relocate. I invested in a local existing League that I was a member of.

Was the process of becoming a League Operator difficult?

The process of becoming a League Operator was not difficult. The help and support I’ve received from my husband, the National Office, the previous League Operator, my right-hand-man and many others has been amazing.

What do you enjoy most about being a League Operator?

I always look forward to opportunities for personal interaction with my players; therefore I enjoy League events and tournaments the most. These events also give me the chance to watch my members play pool, relate to each other, enjoy the game of pool and have fun.

How does being a League Operator fit into your life being a wife and mother?

Owning a franchise has many benefits, especially if you’re a mother. Being a League Operator provides flexibility in my schedule that would likely not be possible in a regular job. I’m able to see my children off to the school bus every morning and I’m able to be home when they return after their school day. My children have many special events during the day at school and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to schedule my work to be able to attend.

If you could offer anyone advice that is thinking about becoming a League Operator what would you tell them?

For anyone thinking about becoming a League Operator, owning your own franchise offers flexibility, stability and is very rewarding. Being a League Operator requires dedication, determination and patience. It also takes a strong, confident, hardworking person who enjoys working and interacting with others. In this business, you learn as you go and figure out what works and what doesn’t. I always strive to make the best decisions to improve and strengthen the League as a whole.

For more information about becoming a League Operator, visit apafranchise.com.

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