I started APA in 2008 with my dad. He had been playing for quite some time and when I moved back in with my parents, he added me to his team.
I’ve been shooting with him now for 13 years. We have a doubles team called Larry’s Daughter because that’s what everyone in the APA calls me. We’ve gone to Vegas for 8-Ball team and are going in October for 9-Ball team and have placed 2nd in multiple tournaments for Doubles and Jack & Jill. This may be our last time to try to qualify because I recently was raised to a 4 and he’s a 7. We’ll always be teammates though because he’s the best dad there is.
– submitted by Dannette Louise Gaines, Western Reserve APA Member

Sue Murphy, APA player, had a double mastectomy due to breast cancer. We as her APA family ran a huge tournament to help with financial burdens. The next year, Sue decided to do a GIVE BACK tournament to help another individual dealing with this terrible cancer.
Since then, we collectively developed a committee and now have formed a full non-profit organization called Nickles for Nipples. This year will now be our fourth year raising money. In 2020, we raised over $5,000! Our little Titty Committee tries their best to help others!
– submitted by Jennifer Franke King, Nature Coast APA Member

When my dad, Ralph DeMusis, was sent to Vietnam in 1969, they had a layover in Hawaii and since he only got to stay a couple hours he told himself he had to get back there someday. But life happened and circumstances prevented him from ever doing that.
Fast forward to 2018, I asked him if he wanted to play on an Aloha team with me and he said “yes” mentioning needing to get back to Hawaii. As much as we all wanted to go, I think he wanted it most.
He came in as top-performing player in the division that session and lo and behold we ended up winning! So, my dad got to fulfill his dream of going back in February 2019. This happened not once, but twice, because we won again in 2020! Thank you to the APA for making that dream a reality for my dad.
– submitted by Aimee DeMusis, Connecticut APA Member