
Northeast Kansas APA held their 2nd Annual Toys for Tots Benefit Tournament on Sunday, Dec. 5.  Twenty-four players participated in the Speed 8-Ball tournament, which took place at Terry’s Billiard Club in Topeka, Kan.  Through entry fees, green fees and donations, $450 and $120 worth of toys was collected for the charity.

Speed 8-Ball is played using the same rules as APA 8-Ball, but consists of four stripes, four solids, and the 8-ball racked in a diamond formation, similar to a 9-Ball rack.  Joe Johnson (skill level 7) won the tournament, while Frank Alley (skill level 5) finished in 2nd Place.

Everyone who entered the tournament received an APA t-shirt, plus one other prize depending on where they finished.  Prizes were donated by Olive Garden, Banjo’s Café, Three Fires Steakhouse in the Prairie Band Casino and the Billiard Supply Store of Topeka.

In addition to the tournament, Northeast Kansas APA awarded additional prizes through their Reward Point Program.   All members on an active Fall Session team roster were eligible for the drawing.  Prizes included a 7-foot pool table, cues and cases.  Ten lucky member numbers were drawn, with Christopher Cunningham landing the coveted pool table.  Ray Llamas, James Burke, Steve Wiechman, Daniel Priest, Angela McGhee, James Hornberger, Gary Oshel, Scott Abbott and Sheila Early all won cues and cases.

Northeast Kansas APA League Operator Jim Halladay said, “Everyone had a great time and we’re looking forward to doing it again next year!”

For more information about the Toys for Tots Foundation please visit toysfortots.org, and for more information about the Northeast Kansas APA visit nekansasapa.com.

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