
Every year for the past 15 years the city of Richardson, Texas has conducted the Richardson Corporate Challenge.  Held from August through October, the Corporate Challenge is an Olympic-style competition where companies compete in events ranging from softball to volleyball and golf to billiards.  The event raises money for the Special Olympics Texas, and this year over $160,000 was raised!

Event organizers contacted Northwest Dallas County APA League Operator Lori Way to help run the billiards portion.  “Billiards took place over four nights at two different locations from Oct. 8-11,” Way said.  “I was the Tournament Director at one location, the Billiard Den, from Monday through Wednesday.  I administered the rules, advanced teams on the bracket, took photos of the winners and presented them with their medals at the end of each night.”

Way also received help from a few Northwest Dallas County APA members – Richard Ramirez, Richard & Penny Dankovcik, Connie McManigal and Lucy Kimble.  “They assisted me with refereeing and advancing the board as the night progressed,” said Way.

The competition was 8-Ball Doubles, and featured three brackets in three different formats – men’s, ladies and mixed.  Each bracket was tiered by the size of the company.

For more information on the Richardson Corporate Challenge visit cor.net/cc; for more information on the Northwest Dallas County APA visit nwdallas.apaleagues.com; and for more information on the Special Olympics Texas visit sotx.org.

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