
The Oahu APA held their 10th Annual Shoot for the Cure tournament on Oct. 19, 2019. During this tournament, 20 players pocketed over 1,500 balls. As a result of their hard work and dedication, $2,780 was raised for the Susan G Komen Hawaii Affiliate! Special thanks to Cynthia Johnson of SGKHA who spoke to educate everyone on Breast Cancer Awareness.

Congrats to the tournament winner who is also a survivor, Zeny Agas! Taking 2nd Place was Lita Reyes, 3rd Place was Tom Amano and Trish Park placed 4th. Also, a huge thank you to the high pledge earner, Trish “AK” Park, who collected over $600 in donations and took home the HPE prize, a beautiful Poison POV5BJP Break/Jump Cue! View the final bracket here: http://live.brackelope.com/t/tf8y5.  

“Mahalo to all these players and their pledges for their generosity and commitment to this cause,” said Dante Guagliardo, Oahu APA League Operator.

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