
Ron Sloan of Decatur, Ill., began playing in the APA in 2008. He watched his son play in the League and decided it was something fun that would help occupy some of his time. Since joining, he’s been on numerous teams, including serving as the Team Captain of many.

“Ron is always helpful in keeping score and coaching on his teams. He encourages his players,” said Kim Jones, Central Illinois APA League Operator.

Ron is currently a skill level 5 in 8-Ball and a skill level 4 in 9-Ball. He went to Vegas for the National Team Championships in 2013 and hopes to go again someday. He believes that pool is a good sport for anyone because players of all ages can compete without physical limitations. At the age of 73, Ron not only plays pool, but also swims several times a week at the local YMCA and golfs at least once a week.

In Ron’s free time he loves riding his Harley. He’s even made the 1,000 mile trip to Sturgis 12 times. The most gratifying thing Ron does though is to serve on the Macon County Honor Guard as the Chaplin. In 2014, his local Honor Guard presided over 161 funerals.

“Every honorable veteran deserves this honor. They have earned it whether they were in combat or serving behind a desk,” Ron said. “The military takes young boys and girls and turns them into men and women. I don’t believe there’s a truer statement than ‘All Gave Some – Some Gave All’.”

Thanks for your wonderful service Ron, we’re so happy to have you in the League!

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