
Husband and wife pair, Jason and Mandy Brendel from Reno, Nev., competed in the 9-Ball Doubles Championship. They’ve been playing in the APA for about 5 years and enjoy the one or two nights a week out having fun with friends and other teams.

“We started playing together on the same team almost 4 years ago as an activity where we could both be together and meet some new people as well,” Jason said. “Our team is special because of just the simple fact that we know how to have fun no matter what. There haven’t been many teams that we have seen where spouses are teammates.”

Until a couple of sessions ago, they played on the same 8-Ball team, but Mandy gave up her spot on the team so her dad could play. She has joined another 8-Ball team where she is known as their “secret weapon.” They also play on a 9-Ball team together that put together back to back division championships. Being a married couple, there is a lot less pressure. They know their strengths and weaknesses and both know that fun is the most important thing in the game.

“We are looking at this Vegas trip as an anniversary trip to get out of town for a bit and enjoy the sights, scenes and sounds of the city as well as getting to check out everything going on at the tournament!” Jason said. “We are excited for the chance to represent Northern Nevada in the tournament as a husband and wife team for 9-Ball Doubles.”

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