
Recent changes to Clark County, Nevada’s COVID-19 restrictions have opened the door for APA to host its first championship event in Las Vegas since the onset of the pandemic. 

The APA Poolplayer Championships, scheduled for August 5 – 14 at the Westgate Las Vegas, are on track to take place in late summer.

Event participants can now start planning and preparing for their August trips to Vegas, including booking airfare and/or lodging, if needed.  Attendees, however, are encouraged to familiarize themselves with their airline’s cancellation and change policies in the unexpected event COVID-related restrictions are reimplemented.

All Canadian Poolplayers Association (CPA) members should contact their Local League Operator before making travel arrangements.

Event details can be found at https://poolplayers.com/poolplayer-championships/. Click Here for lodging info.

APA is working to develop a safety plan that complies with all current Clark County, Nevada event-related COVID-19 protocols.  That plan must be approved by Clark County and adhered to by APA. 

Participants should expect to follow Clark County safety guidelines throughout the Poolplayer Championships. If restrictions allow for spectators, they will need to plan to follow all safety guidelines as well.

The APA World Pool Championships, scheduled for October 2021, are also on track to take place in the fall. Lodging info for this event will be released when we have that information available.

More details will be forthcoming in the weeks ahead. Please follow us on Facebook or continue to monitor updates here on poolplayers.com.

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