The Central Colorado APA held a Toys for Tots tournament, in conjunction with its holiday party, on Saturday, Dec. 19, 2015 at Widefield Corner Pocket, near Colorado Springs, Colo. They raised $120 in cash along with toys valued at over $1,000. Corner Pocket also contributed two full boxes of toys! The donations filled up the entire back of an SUV!
A total of 44 doubles teams, twice what was expected, came out to support this great cause. Tina Martinez/Martin Milatz and Erica Lenz/Bryan Bell were the tournament champions, taking home a total of $350! In addition, a fun pool table cash game resulted in three $100 bills going to its APA members who supported the event!
“Having just taken over the League this year, it warmed our hearts to see the generous support from our players for the toy drive! I’m so glad the Central Colorado APA was part of such a great charitable event. Can’t wait to see what we can do this next year!” said Jovanka Mersman of the Central Colorado APA.