Updated as of 5:00 pm on Monday, March 16
The APA Poolplayer Championships, scheduled for April 29 – May 3, at the Westgate Las Vegas, has been postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. APA is currently working with its partners at the Westgate Las Vegas to reschedule the event later this year.
Updated as of 5:30 pm on Friday, March 13
Over the past couple of days, we’ve continued to hear from our members in regards to local APA League play. All decisions regarding local APA League play will be made on a case by case basis by your local League Operator.
The situation regarding this virus varies significantly from state to state and city to city. Because of how drastically different this virus has impacted our league areas across North America, we have advised our League Operator network to heed the advice of local, state and federal officials, in coordination with their Host Locations, in making appropriate decisions on whether or not to host APA League play.
For further updates on APA’s response to the Coronavirus, bookmark this page or follow us on Facebook.
March 10, 2020

Coronavirus: APA Encourages Members to Take Extra Precautions at League; APA Events Still Scheduled
As new cases of COVID-19, known as Coronavirus, continue to emerge around the globe, the American Poolplayers Association is encouraging its members to take extra steps on League night to maintain good health.
Recommendations include:
-Handwashing Before and After Your Individual Match
-Staying Home on League Night If You’re Ill
-Temporarily Discontinue Customary Handshakes Before and After the Match
“Most people are already aware of the importance of regular handwashing; we are simply encouraging them to do it before and after their match. In addition, we want to remind people that staying home if you’re sick, and potentially contagious, is part of being a good teammate. While good sportsmanship is a bedrock of the APA experience, asking APA Members to temporarily discontinue the practice of shaking hands before and/or after a match makes sense during this time of concern,” said APA President Greg Fletcher.
In lieu of pre and/or post-match handshakes, Fletcher is encouraging people to find non-contact methods of communicating good sportsmanship. “Maybe a friendly head nod,” he suggested.
Meanwhile, APA events will continue as scheduled. This includes the APA Poolplayer Championships. The Poolplayer Championships are one of APA’s two international championships held in Las Vegas each year. This year’s Poolplayer Championships are scheduled from April 29 to May 3, 2020.
“We continue to prepare to host all upcoming events, including the APA Poolplayer Championships. We know how important the Poolplayer Championships are to the APA Membership who have qualified to compete, and we are committed to holding the tournament as long as it is safe to do so. Our Members’ safety is paramount, and we continue to monitor the recommendations made by state and local officials in Nevada as well as officials with the CDC,” said Fletcher.
To that end, APA has been communicating regularly with its hotel partner, the Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino, who has already instituted heightened sanitation measures to ensure the safety of its guests.
For further updates on APA’s response to the Coronavirus, bookmark this page or follow us on Facebook.
We recommend the CDC’s website (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html) for more info on Coronavirus and ways customers can protect themselves.