
Four years ago, an avid pool player and employee from DRS Sensors & Targeting Systems (an aerospace company in southern California), decided to start a company pool team. Roger Enomoto, a local pool enthusiast from the Orange County APA in California, recruited various engineers, a scientist and a couple of “numbers nerds,” for a coed 9-Ball team. He wanted to use the letters “DRS” in the team name, and came up with DaRk HorSe.

Although Roger left Dark Horse after one season, it was enough to get the ball rolling, so to speak. Mike Blatterman and Cathie Meister took over the reins and have led Dark Horse to three Tri-Annuals and two Local Team Championships, securing their spot in the 2013 National Team Championships!

The DRS rookie team’s skill levels went from 1 through 4s to their now solid skill levels of 3 through 7s. Each year the players have worked on various aspects of their game to improve their abilities and strengthen their handicaps. Dark Horse tries to epitomize the APA’s tagline—Have Fun. Meet People. Play Pool!

“We have been together a long time and we work together so we have a wonderful rapport because of that,” Cathie said.
Dark Horse is excited about being able to compete against APA’s top teams and are taking their first trip to Vegas very seriously. Of course they will make time for a little fun too!

“We’re looking forward to the whole experience, from seeing the tournament room for the first time to playing great pool,” Cathie said. “We expect to play some really good teams, make friends and represent our League well. We expect that we can win it all with focus and making each shot count.”

Team members include: Cathie Meister (Captain), Ernest Robinson (Co-Captain), Victoria Bedrosian, Mike Blatterman, Brian Haber, Danny Henderson, Jim Keane and Howie Taylor.

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