On Dec. 10, 15 teams competed in the 2011 ALS (Lou Gehrigs disease) Fundraiser 8-Ball Scotch Doubles Tournament held at The Break Billiards in Cahokia, Ill. Winning pool cues, cue cases, large baskets of APA pool stuff and 1st Place trophies were the father and son team of Marty and Martin Kaczmarowski. Winning pool cues, cue cases, a small basket of APA pool stuff and 2nd Place trophies were Mark Montgomery and Niki Politte.
There was also a 3-ball contest, 9-Ball break contest, in-house poker run, 50/50 drawing and basket of booze which contained bottles of liquor from 11 local Host Locations. Paul Malter won a cue as 1st Place prize in the 3-ball contest. John Stoffel III won a cue as 1st Place prize in the 9-Ball break contest. Brien Youngblood had the winning hand of four 9s to win a cue in the in-house poker run. Brien also won $57 on the 50/50 drawing. Marty Kaczmarowski won the basket of booze.
The tournament was sponsored by Midwest Illinois APA and was held in memory of Bob Hinkle Jr. Bob became an APA member in 1993 and was a skill level 6 when he was diagnosed with ALS in October 2006. He passed away at age 50 in November 2007.
Many thanks to all who helped with the tournament and contests: Judy Hinkle, Alex Hinkle, Dale Miller, Brien Youngblood, Shelli Eichelberger, Bob Nier, Buffy McKinney and Jim McKinney.
Thanks to The Break for providing the pool room and tables at no cost for the day. Also thanks to all locations who donated items for the booze basket: Carols Bridge Inn, Doits Village Inn, Fairview Inn, Humdingers, Kens Lounge, Lauries Place, Old Town Tavern, Shooterz, Shortys Pub, Time Out and The Break Billiards.
Other donators were Gary Newingham and Rixstine Recognition.
All proceedsa total of $1,046were sent to the ALS Association, St. Louis Regional Chapter, which helps all families in the Missouri and Illinois Metro East areas who are dealing with ALS in their lives.
Please visit alsa.org for more information about the ALS Association; for additional information about the Midwest Illimois APA visit midwestil.apaleagues.com.
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