On Jan. 14, 2017, the Southeast Wisconsin APA held the Jarron LeMay Memorial Pool Tournament at The Brat Stop in Kenosha, Wisc. The event was 8-Ball Luck-of-the-Draw Partners with a $20 entry fee. Jarron LeMay was a player in the Southeast Wisconsin APA before his untimely death. At just 29 years old, Jarron made a fatal mistake by drinking and driving and crashing his vehicle into a tree. He was a wonderful, caring man and was very well-known throughout the pool community in Southeastern Wisconsin. Jarron was also an established bowman and had many friends from the local Bowman Club. Jarron’s team competed in the 9-Ball World Pool Championship in Vegas last year. Jarron’s family was not prepared to lose him or pay for the costs of his cremation and service. This is where the Southeast Wisconsin APA stepped in. They partnered with their local table vendor, who donated all the tables and quarters, to produce the event. A Host Location also donated the banquet hall for the tournament. Red awareness bracelets that read “Don’t Drink and Drive” were passed out to all attendees. Between the entry fee, Calcutta, raffle table, 50/50 raffle and individual donations, over $2,600 was raised for the family! “We were all devastated by the sudden loss of Jarron,” SE Wisconsin League Operator Chris Rossing said. “We were happy to be able to help ease the financial burden on this family during such a difficult time, as well as raise awareness of the consequences of drinking and driving. Thank you to everyone who pitched in and made the event a huge success!”
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