
Dec. 4 was a very cold and snowy day in Arden, N.C., but that didn’t stop 20 devoted APA members from participating in Blue Ridge APA’s Inaugural Toys for Tots Pool Tournament. Another 20 members showed up just to watch and provide support.

The Scotch Doubles 8-Ball tournament was held at Fat Cat’s Billiards, who donated the table time for the event. In addition to collecting over 60 toys, Blue Ridge APA raised $405 for the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. Staff Sergeant Wes Russell of the Marine Corps attended the event to meet with poolplayers, distribute raffle prizes and collect the toys being donated to the children.

Robbie Deaton and Dave Varnell won the tournament, with Grayson Briggs and David Wright finishing in 2nd Place. Demonstrating the true spirit of the season, the winners elected to donate their prize money back to the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation.

For more information about the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation please visit toysfortots.org, and for more information about Blue Ridge APA visit blueridge.apaleagues.com.

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