
Team Captain Wyatt Rawlings of Austin, TX

With over 20 years of poolplaying experience and over 10 years playing in APA Leagues under his belt, Wyatt Rawlings of Austin, Texas, possesses all the qualities of an amazing Team Captain. He leads, teaches, strategizes, and organizes to make his team the most successful they can be.

Wyatt’s teammates say he deserves a sportsmanship award too. He’s always calm to react, listens to his teammate’s complaints and concerns carefully and always addresses matters in a private and professional manner.

“He leads us into matches with positivity,” teammate Tommy Tynes said. “We know we can look up to him for help, coaching or any rules issues.”

Whether it’s how to get out of a tough shot, making a crazy bank or doing things with english that many didn’t know exist, Wyatt always uses his years of knowledge to help out. He also lets the rest of the team offer suggestions in time-outs and seek alternatives if they’re uncomfortable with a shot they think is too advanced. He’s also the master of matching players to get the team win.

“He always keeps teammates’ heads up, even after a difficult loss,” Tommy said. “He reminds us why we love to play the game.”

Wyatt organizes his team to be a family. They practice, compete and have non-pool fun together. He’s often the center balancing point. He’s currently a skill level 6 in 8-Ball and 7 in 9-Ball and plays in the APA of Austin operated by James Garrett/Grady & Betty Dunagan.

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