
Western Nebraska APA continued their mission to help fight cancer by hosting their second Fun & Cash Singles Tournament of the session—this one using the 8-Ball format.  As with the previous Fun & Cash Tournament, $1,500 in prize money was up for grabs.  Prize money was once again donated by Western Nebraska APA, allowing entry fees to be donated to the charity.  The event raised $130, bringing the session total up to $1,312.

Twenty-one shooters competed in the modified single elimination tournament held March 26 at Big Apple Fun Center in Kearney, Neb.  Chris Caddy won the tournament, with Justin Butts finishing in 2nd Place.  The tournament board was drawn so players of similar abilities matched up in the first round.

In addition to entry fees, money for the charity was raised via raffles and donations.  Raffle tickets not only gave donors a chance to win a t-shirt the day of the tournament, but also a chance to win a leather jacket in a grand prize drawing that’ll take place at the end of the Spring Session.  Adding to the fun, a free drawing for APA t-shirts was held to start the event.  Winners of the drawing were: Spencer Kehl, Amanda Pearson, Jeremy Loomis and Justin Butts.

For more information on the American Cancer Society visit cancer.org, and for more information on the Western Nebraska APA visit nebraska.apaleagues.com.

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