
Statement from APA on the death of George Floyd and racial injustice

The American Poolplayers Association denounces and maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards racism in all forms.  APA stands for the idea that teams consist of diverse members from all walks of life.  All races, genders, ages, and abilities are welcomed and respected in the APA.  

The death of George Floyd is tragic, painful, and unacceptable. We express sincere condolences to the family and friends of George Floyd.  We are praying for your healing and peace for your hearts.  

We know there are many people right now who are dealing with feelings of deep sadness, fear, confusion, and anger.  We sympathize with the people of our nation including those who are members of our player community.  It’s our desire that everyone come together at this time in unity to listen, learn, and move forward toward a nation where every citizen knows they are valued and appreciated.

Addressing racism towards our nation’s Black citizens is an important and timely issue.  Even as everyone tries to recover from months of isolation due to Covid-19, this issue must be addressed and discussed.

As challenging as those discussions may seem, they must start somewhere if we are to make this country stronger for everyone.  As Americans, we have stepped up to meet many challenges in our history.  This one will require as much, if not more, from us than any of the challenges of the past.  As we step up to meet this challenge, we know that nothing can keep us from becoming the unified nation of people we are meant to be.

APA is committed to offering a community where everyone is celebrated and cared for, and we hope that the unity exhibited in our leagues across the globe can be an example of what is possible.

Greg Fletcher
American Poolplayers Association

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